Thursday, May 1, 2014

Sidetrip: How to Get to the Cagsawa Ruins in Albay

When you’re in Legazpi City, one of the popular tourist spots you can visit is the Cagsawa Ruins. From this point you can see the beauty of Mayon Volcano in its perfect cone. If the weather is not fair, however (just like when we went to Cagsawa), there's a probability that you'll not see the entire shape of the volcano, but you can still enjoy the site with all the ruins on the ground. It was rainy and cloudy when we got there so this was what my camera captured:

According to the locals, the best time to be there is in the morning when the weather is fair. Going around are local jokes that when Mayon Volcano doesn't show up, it means she doesn't like you. Joke, of course! Nevertheless, you can still enjoy the surroundings. 

The park's ground is wide it is perfect for dating and family bonding. Perfect also for "selfie" and picture-taking. Inside the park are cottages, restaurants and pasalubong centers. Here we tried the sili shake (buko shake with sili) while relaxing in one of the cottages.

So how can you get to the Cagsawa Ruins? 

From Legazpi City:

1. Ride a jeepney going to Polangui, Guinobatan or Camalig. Fare is P15.00 per person.

2. Request the driver to drop you off the Cagsawa junction. Right at the junction is the way leading to the Cagsawa Ruins. 

3. Ride a tricycle (Fare is P10.00 per person) or walk straight ahead going to the entrance gate. It's just near the highway so you can really stroll down until you reach the entrance gate. Then pay the entrance fee (P10.00 per person). 

Upon entering the gate, you'll see this bell tower which is part of the remnants of the Cagsawa church that was buried by rocks and sand from the eruption of Mayon Volcano centuries ago (February 1, 1814).     

If you think you've already captured all corners of the park and the perfect shot of the Cagsawa Ruins with the beautiful Mayon Volcano as backdrop, then it's time to go back to Legazpi City or head to other tourist spots in Albay. 

From the site you can ride a tricycle or stroll down the street going back to the highway. On your way you'll pass by this All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) adventure site offering a tour to the base of the volcano. If you have the budget, then you can try this adventure.      

Should you decide not to take this adventure, then you can proceed walking straight to the highway where jeepneys going to back to Daraga or Legazpi City are waiting. Ride a jeep and in less than 30 minutes you're back in the city!     

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