Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What is Security of Tenure?

Somewhere in this blog I wrote about security of tenure and promised to elaborate the just and authorize causes of termination. I find this very timely because Labor Day or Araw ng mga Manggagawa has just concluded. And, as expected, workers/labor leaders brought to fore once again the issue on security of tenure.

In a dialogue by the labor sector with President Aquino, labor leaders raised the issue on security of tenure requesting Pnoy to certify as urgent the security of tenure bill. There are at least 4 Senate Bills (Introduced by Senators Jinggoy Estrada, JV Ejercito, ) and 5 House Bills (Introduced by Reps. Aglipay, Manalo, ) on security of tenure and most of the bills are proposing to have a cap on the number of workers that should be regularized and those that should be on a contractual basis. There is a bill proposing that 80% of the workers in a company should be regular and only 10% should be contractual. Let's just see what will happen to this bills in the 16th Congress. 

So what are just and authorized causes of termination? And what they've got to do with security of tenure? It's as simple as saying that you cannot be terminated from work without any ground or cause. So termination should be based on just or authorized cause as expressly provided for in the Labor Code of the Philippines. And due process in the form of notice and hearing should be strictly observed.               

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